Supporting Emerging Leaders in Social Change

EmVision Social Impact Scholarship Fund at UMass Boston

Established in 2022, the EmVision Social Impact Scholarship Fund at UMass Boston supports graduate students in the Critical Ethnic & Community Studies (CECS) program, which focuses on social justice, cultural expression, and community action. EmVision Scholars receive flexible funding to complete their studies, be it to buy books or baby diapers, thereby removing financial barriers to academic success. To date, we have committed over $50,000, and offer mentorship and applied opportunities.

We chose to support CECS because of shared missions fostering community change-makers and education for real world benefit. As a social enterprise, we are committed to giving forward; every year, a portion of our revenue goes to the EmVision Social Impact Scholarship Fund, Community Portraits, and EmVisionary Grants.

EmVision Scholars

Ibrahim Jabir (2024-25), master's capstone: researching religious identity and cultural integration among African Muslim immigrant students at UMass Boston.

Aminata Kaba (2023-24), master's capstone: "Clocking Colorism: An Examination of Gendered Skin Tone Bias in American Entertainment Media."

Yahritzaliz "Ritz" Ortiz-Zayas (2023-24), master's capstone: "Food Sovereignty & Security Needs Assessment for Tribal Communities in the Northeast."

Beth Farnham (2022-23), master’s capstone: an intersectional study on LGBTQ+ fertility experiences.

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